Cootes to Escarpment EcoPark System BioBlitz and Plant Sale

The third annual Cootes to Escarpment EcoPark System BioBlitz is on Sept. 20 and 21, 2019. The event brings together experts, citizen scientists and people like you to discover and document the wonderful biodiversity in our region. Whether you are an expert naturalist or just want to learn more about the plants and animals calling … More Cootes to Escarpment EcoPark System BioBlitz and Plant Sale

A back to school reminder for drivers: Turn your engines off while you wait.

It’s hard to believe that another school year is here and with it comes a friendly reminder about idling. In an ideal world, it would be great if your kids walked or rolled to school. However, if you are doing school drop-off and pick up by vehicle, please turn your engine off while you wait. … More A back to school reminder for drivers: Turn your engines off while you wait.